Sabato, 31 Ottobre 2009 14:31

International Conference. ICT that makes the difference

Scritto da  Gerardo

ICT that makes the difference. The Future of Ambient Intelligence and ICT for Security
Brussels, Belgium, November 22-25, 2009
Registrazioni aperte fino al 6/11/2009
Nel seguito tutte le informazioni (in lingua inglese)


ICT that makes the difference
The Future of Ambient Intelligence and ICT for Security

International Conference
Brussels, Belgium, November 22-25, 2009

Normal registration fee until Friday 6 November 2009: 295 euro

Conference rates offered by hotels around conference site

In the next 20 years, computers and the internet will revolutionize all aspects of social and economic life. We are only at the beginning of the evolution. Twenty years from now ICT technology will be integrated in all object s of our daily life (an in our body?). Intelligent environments, things (and body parts?) will compile and exchange information … and together decide about actions to take….

Industry, R&D, European and national science policy authorities are actively involved in guiding the computer and the internet towards new futures. Science analysts, specialists in ethical, social and legal aspect of science, and social actors are joining this process. Discussions are going on, new initiatives are launched, an open discussion and interaction is starting up.

Two questions will guide the discussions during the conference:
== How can technological development of ICT go hand in hand with social thinking and action?
== What can we learn from the way society managed other challenging evolutions, like the development of biotechnology?
The conference is for
== experts involved in developing ICT or in analyzing the ESLA aspects of science (Ethical, Socio-economic, Legal aspects) who want to find out how to join the discussion.
== interested citizens who want to know what is going on, and who want to find out what this may mean for them

Golden key note lectures
Emile Aarts In 1998, Emile Aarts launched the concept of Ambient Intelligence (AmI). He explains why and how the concept must be updated.
Kevin Warwick His research on robotics and biomedical engineering included experiments linking his own nervous system directly to a computer and to the internet. He is involved in the social debate of research.

Conference Sessions
Accepted submissions and lectures by invited speakers address the following topics
= Topic cluster 1: ICT, health and care
== Medical access to the human brain
== Health care and mental care
= Topic cluster 2: Robotics and convergence of the real and the virtual
== Robotics in daily life
== Disappearing interfaces
== Real and virtual morality?
= Topic cluster 3: The internet, networking and wireless connection
== Future of the internet
= Topic cluster 4: Security and biometrics
== Security
== Emotional Biometrics
= Topic cluster 5: Technology, its users and society
== Identifying new social issues
== Innovation design linked to its social context
== Innovation and user orientation
= Topic cluster 6: Legal aspects of ICT
== Privacy. Toward an electronically identity?
== RFID. Implants and the human body.
= Topic cluster 7: Converging technologies
== Learning from Biotechnology discussions
== Learning from Nanotechnology discussions
= Topic cluster 8: Ethics in European Commission FP7 and FP8 research
== Commission efforts to embed ethics in its framework programmes
== The involvement of academia and society in embedding ethics in scientific practice
= Topic cluster 9: Work in Progress
= Topic cluster 10: Linking ESLA and technology
(Discussion Session, Poster Session)
== Uses of Ambient Intelligence
== ICT, Life Sciences and care
== Ethical aspects
== Legal aspects and privacy

The European Commission is encouraging all its ICT projects to pay explicit attention to the social context and it is inviting more social studies to focus on ICT-oriented topics. The conference is a first International Conference of an EU funded initiative aiming at developing a strong and operational link between both groups of activities.
Similar cross-border structures and discussions have been successfully established in the last 30 years between the scientific, industrial and social communities involved in biotechnology and biomedicine. The conference will pay special attention to lessons learned from this experience.

Registration fee includes
= Admission to all conference sessions
= Copy of conference material, including copy of onsite proceedings
= Sunday Evening: welcome and opening buffet
= Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: lunch
= Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: coffee breaks

Initiators and contact
= The Conference is co-financed by the European Commission, DG Research,
Directorate Science, Economy and Society, ICTethics, Grant 230368
= Guido Van Steendam, Leuven, Belgium (General Chair)
= Ruth Chadwick, Lancaster, UK
= Paul McCarthy, Lancaster, UK
= Juliet Lodge, Leeds, UK
= Gabriella Bonacchi, Rome, Italy
= Stefano Rodota, Rome, Italy
= The ICT Science Valley of The Budapest Meeting
= The Security Science Valley of The Budapest Meeting
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Network secretariat: The IFB, Craenendonck 15, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium.
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